Can you eat bananas during lactation?

Can you eat bananas during lactation? 

Banana is one of people’s favorite fruit, because it can relieve melancholy and call banana “happy fruit”. Banana is also known as the “fruit of wisdom”, legend is because Buddha Sakyamuni ate bananas and wisdom. Then you shouldn’t eat bananas during lactation? Yes, of course. The nutritional value of banana pulp is quite high, but also contains a variety of trace elements and vitamins, eating bananas.

Can you eat bananas during lactation?
Can you eat bananas during lactation?

during lactation has the following effects: 

1. Treatment of constipation. 

Eating bananas during lactation can help treat constipation. Breast-feeding mothers, the amount of exercise is generally too little, often constipation phenomenon, eating bananas can help alleviate constipation, help detoxification. 

2. Prevention and treatment of depression. 

Postpartum depression is a common postpartum psychological disease, if you eat more bananas, you can pre-treat depression.Because bananas boost the brain’s production of serotonin, it improves mood and keeps you in a good mood. 

3. Prevention and treatment of gastric ulcer. 

If breast-feeding mothers have gastric ulcers, you can also eat bananas treatment. Banana contains anti-ulcer compounds, can make gastric acid reduce, ease the stimulation of gastric mucosa. 

4. Lowering blood pressure. 

Banana carbohydrate is mainly fructose, low fat content, cholesterol is almost zero, and potassium ion content is very high, which can inhibit the increase of blood pressure caused by sodium ions and damage blood vessels. Therefore, high blood pressure of nursing mothers, can eat more bananas. 

Precautions for eating bananas during lactation. 

1. Excessive consumption of banana can cause maladjustment of trace elements and affect the quality of milk. 

2. Uncooked bananas are easy to constipate. If lactating mothers already have mild constipation symptoms, eating uncooked bananas can exacerbate constipation. 

3. It is not suitable to eat on an empty stomach. There are many magnesium elements in bananas. Magnesium is a sensitive element that affects heart function and inhibits cardiovascular function. Eating bananas on an empty stomach can make the magnesium in the human body rise suddenly and destroy the balance of magnesium and calcium in the human blood, which is not good for the health of the body. 

4, cold weak and stomach deficiency of lactating mothers should not eat, because bananas in the gastrointestinal digestion is very slow, not good for the gallbladder.

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